Whether you need a video edited, converted, captured, or shot, TrialQuest’s Video Team can service all of your video production needs. TrialQuest will prepare depositions and edits as well as create video clips and designations.
Settlement Videos
TrialQuest produces Settlement videos that can humanize your client, allowing the viewer to instantly feel the emotion of your case, and sympathy for your client. These 15-20 minute videos have the professional quality of a television broadcast news feature, using professional talent and voice-over to raise the production value and overall effectiveness of the video.

Day-In-The-Life Videos
Surveillance can also provide Day-in-the-Life videos, documenting your client's daily activities to provide a visually dramatic depiction of their everyday realities and struggles. These 10-15 minute videos provide the defense with insight into your client’s daily burdens.
Snapshot Videos
A Snapshot video can present your client's case, without a full-scale settlement video. A snapshot is a 3-5 minute depiction of your client's loss and injuries. While still employing the high-end production quality of a settlement video, a snapshot briefly but effectively summarizes your client's case. When deadlines and budgets are tighter, but a video presentation is desired, a snapshot is the answer.
Whatever you need to be documented, TrialQuest can perform the task. We have years of experience shooting site inspections, accident reconstructions, ENG footage (Electronic News Gathering) and reenactments. We can also edit raw video. If you're unsure how to approach a video project, our team's experience and professionalism will help you to accomplish your goals.

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Video/Photography services?
TrialQuest utilizes professional digital photography equipment to ensure the highest quality results for our clients. Our skilled photographers have been trained to use lighting, perspective, and timing to capture aesthetically compelling or informative photographs. TrialQuest’s Legal Photographers travel the sky and sea to create aerial photographs and document maritime incidents. Whether a photograph needs to be captured, duplicated or converted, our experts have the equipment and experience to quickly and effectively complete any task.
Photographic services include:
- Location Photography
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- Aerials
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- Enlargement Duplication
- Scanning of Photographics into Digital Format
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- Bodily Injury
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- Property Damage
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- Accident Sites
- Photo Editing & Correction